This page contains forms and information for registration at our school. Printed forms should be returned to the school office. You may also contact us to request to have forms mailed to you or you can stopy by the school office to pick them up. Forms will also be available at registration day held in August each year.
Athletic Physical
Form required for students in 6th - 8th grade that wish to participate in the Immanuel Lutheran Church club athletic program. Immanuel currently offers volleyball, cross country, basketball, and track. We also have intramural soccer.
Auto Insurance Form
Form required for all parents who transport students on field trips
Internet Safety Policy
Form required for all students in grades 3 - 8.
Photo Release
Form required annually for every student. One per family.
Tuition Payment Policy Form
Form requred annually for all families on a montly or semi-annaul payment plan.
Medication Release
Form must be on file if medication is to be dispensed at school by school personnel.
Statement of Health
Form required for all students in Kindergartner and 7th grade, and out of state transfers.
Varicella Statement
Form required to be on file for all students.
Vision Evaluation
Form required for Kindergartners and out of state transfers.
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Required annually to receive free/reduced meals.
Birth Certificate Application
A birth certificate is required to be on file for all students. Complete this form to request a copy of a birth certificate from the State of Nebraska.
Supply List
Information regarding supplies needed for all grades.
Immunization Requirements
Information for all grades.
School Handbook
Our family handbook lists important school policies and procedures.